UPVC and composite are the two most common doors types in the UK making them a popular choice among homeowners.
But when it comes to choosing between the two, it is a difficult one. Both have good versatility and energy efficiency.
If you are looking to buy one of them, here is our guide to differentiating between the two.
uPVC stands for unplasticised polyvinyl chloride, it is used mainly in pipes and exterior drainages. It is very tough and rigid which makes a perfect plastic to use for windows and doors. uPVC doors are mostly comprised of uPVC as well as other plastics.
Composite also make use of a different type of plastic that can also be found in Lego; ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene). ABS has great thermo-plastic properties making durable as well as providing scratch resistant properties.
As well as being made from different materials, uPVC doors tend to be thinner than composite doors at 28mm and uPVC doors at 48mm.
Customizability is important in setting the tone and giving the desired feel for your home. With uPVC doors, the customisability options are limited but there is a range of different colours that you can choose from. Wooden textures are not possible to achieve with uPVC.
With composite doors, there are a range of colours that can be used to customise the door as well as wooden grain finishing.
uPVC doors generally tend to be a little cheaper than composite doors. But that does not mean that they are of lower quality. They are generally cheaper to manufacture due to the number of materials used in a composite door and that is reflected in the price.
Both doors have excellent security protection. But composite doors are a little more secure.
This is because of the range of materials that are used in the door. The composite doors are made using wood, glass reinforced plastic and ABS under high pressure. This gives a solid structure to the door and makes it thicker and more secure compared to uPVC door.