uPVC windows offer a number of benefits to your home. Aside from looking great, they are also energy efficient and offer enhanced soundproofing for your home. But one of the key benefits to uPVC is its durability. But how long should your uPVC windows last? And how do you know when they need to be replaced?
How long should your windows last?
The durability of your windows will depend on a number of factors, the most important of which is the materials from which they are constructed. High-quality windows should last as long as 20 years before they need to be replaced. However, although the window frames may maintain their integrity for this length of time, lower quality windows may start to discolour and begin to yellow. In lower-quality frames, this can occur in as little as five years.
How to tell when your windows need to be replaced
Although windows will typically last for 20 years, it’s not simply a case of replacing your windows 20 years after they have been installed. If you move into a home that has poor quality windows installed or if they were incorrectly installed in the first place, there’s a chance they may not last the full 20 years. Here are some things to look out for in order to determine whether your windows need to be replaced:
- Condensation is appearing inside the double glazing unit. Some condensation on the inside of the glass is normal. However, if it is appearing consistently or appears in between the planes of glass, this is a sign that the unit has failed and needs to be replaced.
- Drafts. Feel around the window frames for any air ingress. Another way to detect a draft is with an incense stick; if the smoke wavers, that’s an indicator there’s a draft coming through the frame and it will need to be replaced.
- Damage. Some damage can be detected visually and will be obvious. Other signs may be less obvious but if you’re struggling to open and close the window, it will likely need to be replaced.
- Energy bills are rising inexplicably. If you’ve noticed a spike in your energy bills, it’s a good chance your windows need to be replaced as the insulation properties of the window have been compromised.
At Spire Glass, we supply the highest quality uPVC windows and install them to the highest standard, ensuring you can enjoy the benefits of your new uPVC windows for years to come.
To find out more, take a look at our full range of uPVC windows and Aluminium double glazed doors.